Montag, 26. März 2012

Fundsache. Frau Chase und ihre Gräser

Aus Anlass des Internationalen Frauentages hat das Smithsonien Institute Fotoporträts von Wissenschafterinnen ins Netz gestellt (bei FLICKR). "In honor of International Women's Day and Women's History Month, the Smithsonian Institution Archives (SIA) is pleased to present a sampling of images documenting women scientists and engineers from around the world, most of whom were pioneers in their respective fields, or were the first women to receive advanced graduate degrees in their discipline. ". - Hier das wunderbare Porträt von Mary Agnes Chase (1869-1963) "... specialized in the study of grasses and conducted extensive field work in South America, often personally funding her research trips, as it was considered inappropriate for women to conduct such work. Chase joined the Department of Agriculture in 1903 as a botanical illustrator and eventually became Scientific Assistant in Systematic Agrostology, 1907; Assistant Botanist, 1923; and Associate Botanist, 1925. In 1935, became Principal Botanist in charge of Systematic Agrostology and Custodian of the Section of Grasses, Division of Plants, United States National Museum".

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